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Tuesday, 08 March 2005



do what?! :P

Jason Stone

I am with Abby. Can you repeat that? Doucement, si vous plait?


Impressionnant... Bravo !!!


A really very interesting recipe and so lovely to watch...

All those different tastes mixed together must provide a very interesting mix. I d be really curious to taste "mangue" with "saint Jacques". I like very much your Huile de Cresson... I think a "coulis de persil" could be really interesting also.

Thanks to your really nice contribution to blog appétit.


C'est très gentil de nous avoir fourni ta recette en français.
Que c'est beau toutes ces couleurs.
Moi aussi je serais curieuse de goûter à l'ensemble mangue-StJacques.
Thanks and congratulations.


This is why I love Altavista's Babelfish translator, because my French is terrible. (I took Spanish in high school, and those French CDs you buy just don't always work!)
But Altavista ends up translating it to this: "They is the shells St Jacques jumped on a zucchini bed, spinaches and the leeks with sauce with mango and the cress oil and the brunoises of will pouvrons red and oranges." I think it sounds good...any way to get the recipe en anglais?


Such a pity we don't have many opportunities to find coquilles here in Lisbon... I'll try the mango/cresson combination with something else... what do you recomend - prawns? that awfull looking fish whose flavour resembles to lobster - what's it's name?
Congrats for your french - to me it's perfect! ;-)


Many Thanks for that fantastic recipe and thank you so much for your participation in French (which is very good by the way). I love your tip about the tuna tin for the "cercle" as they always cost a fortune. I will remeber that.


Hahaha! Just used the translator myself:

They is the shells St Jacques jumped on a zucchini bed, spinaches and the leeks with sauce with mango and the cress oil and the brunoises of will pouvrons red and oranges. It looks at much more difficult to make cook than it is him is just much of various elements which, once combined, are very pretty. I hope that you like and I hope that you can read my French!!! So not, an email and I to me send English ecrit: -) For served 4 people:

liu dress

Cut a red and orange pepper into small dice.

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