Bonjour tout le monde ~ As I mentioned a few days ago, I was so inspiried by Stephanie's ice cream escapades at The Grub Report that I immediately hopped the metro and bought an ice cream maker! I was so excited to set in and get freezing until I realized I had to actually freeze the container first for 24 hours, unlike the fancy shmancy one we had in cooking school where we concocted all sorts of icy delights such as mojito sorbet, cosmopolitan crush, etc.
It made for an intersting afternoon, actually many interesting afternoons, until we were busted by red ears. Yes, red ears. As it turns out one of our chef's ears would turn crimson when he drank alcohol and after a few swigs of our cosmo crush his were glowing bright enough to guide a sleigh. This was all unbeknownst to us but...not to the big kahuna chef who walked in and saw said chef's ears all-a-glow and quickly put a stop to our frozen frivolities.
I saw these figs at the market today and couldn't resist. The beauty and perfection of food never ceases to amaze me. The bright pink and deep caramel colored flesh of these figs stuck me as soon as I saw them. I was actually in search of a potimarron to make pumpkin ice cream but I couldn't resist these. Some milk, some cream, a few eggs (ok a lot of eggs), some sugar, a vanilla bean, a few chopped figs.... et voila! Fig Ice Cream or Glace à la Figue! Bon appetit!
ps: I'll post the recipe tomorrow along with the other ice cream I made.....
Oh yum yum yum!
Posted by: Abby | Monday, 19 September 2005 at 03:31 AM
Oh yum!
Posted by: Abby | Monday, 19 September 2005 at 03:36 AM
My fig ice-cream (made with ultra-ripe fresh figs) looks good, smells great but when evrything is mixed together waiting to go in the freezer it develops an unpleasant sour taste. Help!
Posted by: robert mclean | Thursday, 30 August 2007 at 01:16 PM