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Thursday, 01 December 2005



Hahaha. We were just talking about global warming today. It's Boston, and it just isn't that cold yet!


Wonderful!! Thanks for that - loved the bit with the pop-up book!!

HF in Portland

My family started listening to right-wing media as entertainment, "HAHAHA-they're so stupid"...well, now they've been brainwashed. Imagine normal, educated people suddenly acting as unprovokedly belligerant, homicidal, aggressive & mean as OReilly or the Hillbilly Heroin addict. My family labels anybody not with the right-wing, as a traitor to the US, and they're getting spooky.
My mom has a masters in elementary ed, and had National Geographic & Newsweek subscriptions since I was little.
Now, she parrots right-wing media on Global Warming, despite all the science she'd read for decades.
Needless to say, I've cut down on my visits.

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