I flew in last Thursday afternoon - with a few hours of deep REMs thanks to Ambien under my belt to get me through the night - headed home, showered, changed, and was in a cab within an hour careening to a cocktail party at enviedart, a tres chic, hip, hyper (pronounced: ee-per) cool art gallery in the 8th. Featuring all young and upcoming artists, it was a great place to have a reception rather than the staid, and now Michelin-spanked, George V. A local restaurant and favorite of the fashion houses, Lemoni Cafe, catered all natural, organic brightly colored combinations of sweet and savory in cute little plastic cups for an almost Pierre Herme-ish effect. I was waiting for someone to set their cocktail on the small table top canvases or knock over a statue but nary a spill... Here are some pics...
What a display of foods-which ones did you not have????
Posted by: Jann | Monday, 05 February 2007 at 07:48 PM
The food alone looks amazing. If I were there, you'd only find me at the food table. Looks like a great evening!
Posted by: Emily | Tuesday, 06 February 2007 at 06:41 AM
amazing spread for an art do... yumm...
Posted by: Lil | Wednesday, 07 February 2007 at 07:06 AM
Quelle agréable surprise de voir ces belles photos du coktail de la galerie envie d'art. Votre blogue est amusant, (vue d'un parisien).
J'espere que vous allez bien, nous nous préparons à ouvrir le Lemoni 2, M°TRINITE dans le 9eme. Ouverture prévue en juillet. Je serais ravi de rester enn contact avec vous.
Auriez vous la gentillesse de nous faire parvenir les photos, elles sont différentes des notres et jolies.
Posted by: LEMONI CAFE YVES | Sunday, 27 May 2007 at 11:43 PM
I'm mexican and I started to study gastronomic
I was looking for elgant food(i don't know the name "platillo" in english) and I got in love of everithing you do. Really really congratulations and you make give more (many) ideas for my food presentation.
well, see you
Posted by: jannete guga | Friday, 07 September 2007 at 09:11 PM