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Tuesday, 13 February 2007



Those are so beautiful! How originale!


Bellisimo! Encroyable. I have never seen beets so utterly beeyooteefool before!


Theese are great looking. Wonderful place to visit indeed. I also blog since 15 days ago. Hope mine gets to be as good as yours some day. Kisses from Spain. Would you visit my blog and give me your opinion? Thanks.


Very nice! Bonne idée


Oh, those look lovely.

Btw, I've moved my bookblog to

Jasmin Price

*Wow they are lovely*
but im not sure what they are?
are they beetroot?
if they are i have never seen beetroot looking so nice :D
well done to whom made them.



Valentine =]

Nice and orignal...I was looking all over for an easy recipe for valintes day and just found one =]
Thanx For being smart... LoL


How do you get all the wetness out of the beetroot?
Happy <3 valentines <3 day!


Id call them the Heart-beet
get it?


Those are so beautiful! How originale!

Posted by: mindy | Wednesday, 14 February 2007 at 07:45 PM

Bellisimo! Encroyable. I have never seen beets so utterly beeyooteefool before!

Posted by: mindy | Wednesday, 14 February 2007 at 09:19 PM

Theese are great looking. Wonderful place to visit indeed. I also blog since 15 days ago. Hope mine gets to be as good as yours some day. Kisses from Spain. Would you visit my blog and give me your opinion? Thanks.


Those are so beautiful! How originale!

Posted by: mindy | Wednesday, 14 February 2007 at 07:45 PM

Bellisimo! Encroyable. I have never seen beets so utterly beeyooteefool before!

Posted by: mindy | Wednesday, 14 February 2007 at 09:19 PM

Theese are great looking. Wonderful place to visit indeed. I also blog since 15 days ago. Hope mine gets to be as good as yours some day. Kisses from Spain. Would you visit my blog and give me your opinion? Thanks



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