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Monday, 15 June 2009


Girl Cook in Paris

This is very cool. I love to hear about good ideas spreading so far! thanks for the post. dma

Jann Mumford

You live quite an exciting life! Music makes the world go around............


I found your food blog going through a few links. Glad I ran into it. Didn’t know that the food blog/recipe community was so big online. I love your posts!

I was wondering if you would like to exchange links. I’ll drop yours on my site and you drop mine on yours. Email at [email protected] or stop by my site and drop a comment. Let me know if you would like to do a link exchange.



Back in the late 80's I lived in Paris for 5 years when I went to Uni, and Place Monge was my "home" market as I lived only a few steps away. Your mention of it took me back instantly to the sights, sounds and smells of my time there. PIcking up ham, mushrooms and eggs for a quick omlette on my mini stove and the smell of roast chestnuts - nothing else like it. I have missed it ever since. Thanks for waking up my memories !


A sort of musical event this is,the summer solstice,also the people and specially the music illuminated in a great passion and all the people take entertainment with the music,and also the Fête de la Musique is a brilliant event and feels great and awesome in that particular event.Details are really good that you share.

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