If you are in charge of the chili tomorrow, here's a tried and true recipe for you. But don't take my word, take Jacques Pepin's because this is actually *his* recipe! Chili con Carne with Lettuce and Cheese is featured in his book More Fast Food My Way. He adapted it from a recipe given to him by the warden at San Quentin Prison in the 60s. I kid you not.
And like my childhood inability to color within the lines, I am unable to follow a recipe without a tweak here or there ;) Picture little girl in red pigtails, hands on hips, shouting "you're not the boss of me!" Yep, that about sums it up. Anyways, on to the chili...
No surprise, I've changed this up since I first posted it back in 2009 such as
1-use solid chocolate instead of powdered (I recommend Sharfenberger or Valhrona) and
2-cut the amount of garlic in half :)
All those different chili spaces were my doing so if you don't have all the spices and herbs, don't sweat it. Regular chili powder is fine - it is actually what is in Jacques' recipe - as is regular oregano. After a few beers, no one will notice ;) especially if the 49ers are winning!
Click here for the recipe. Remember, the recipe listed is 4x and fed about 20 people.
Bon appetit and GO NINERS!